The CRC OPEN 2017 will be started on 21st October, 2017 (Saturday). There will be 16 events, including the Men’s Open Singles Championship, Men’s Open Doubles Championship, Ladies’ Open Singles Championship, Ladies’ Open Doubles Championship, Mixed Doubles Championship, 18 or under Junior Boys’ Singles Championship, 18 or under Junior Boys’ Double Championship, 18 or under Junior Girls’ Singles Championship, 18 or under Junior Girls’ Double yChampionship, 35 or Over Men’s Singles Championship, 35 or Over Men’s Doubles Championship, 45 or Over Men’s Doubles Championship, 55 or Over Men’s Doubles Championship, 65 or Over Men’s Doubles Championship, 40 or Over Ladies’ Doubles Championship and 40 or Over Mixed Doubles Championship.

This is our pleasure to have SPORTS ROAD as our official media partner this year. We will have online live streaming of the Men’s and Ladies’ Open Single and Doubles Finals and highlights of other events. Meanwhile, this is our honor to be sponsored by Sergio TacchiniWatsons WaterWilsonPernaton, Acti-TapeHoe Hin and our official camera Nikon. Without the support of the above sponsors, the tournament could not be successfully organized.

As one of Hong Kong Tennis’ most important annual tournament, how can you miss it? Interested parties can do online enrollment ( and internet payment or submit individual entry form. Entry form can be found at The Chinese Recreation Club, Hong Kong (123, Tung Lo Wan Road, Tai Hang), Hong Kong Tennis Association Headquarter, SCAA Kowloon Tennis Centre and HKTA Tennis Centre. Entries must be accompanied by the required entry fees to be paid in cash or by crossed cheque made payable to "CHINESE RECREATION CLUB, HONG KONG". Deadline for entries is on 24th September, 2017 (Sunday)5:00pm.

About tournament details, please visit our official website (, official Facebook page ( refer to the entry form.

For enquiries, please contact us at 2577-7376 or e-mail to




今年大會將與體路合作,為大會指定合作媒體,於網上直播本屆男女子單、雙打公開錦標賽及轉播其他賽事花絮。另外,今年大會有幸獲得各贊助商鼎力支持,包括Sergio Tacchini屈臣氏蒸餾水WilsonPernatonActi-Tape和興及大會指定相機Nikon,使活動得以成功籌辦。


這個一年一度的香港網球壇盛事,你又豈能錯過。有興趣參加是次賽事的人仕由即日起可登入http://www.crcopen.com網上報名及付款;或於香港中華游樂會(香港銅鑼灣道123號)、香港網球總會、南華體育會九龍會所及香港網總網球中心索取報名表。參賽者必須個別呈交報名表格及以現金或劃線支票(抬頭人「香港中華游樂會」) 付款。截止日期為2017年9月24日(星期日)下午五時。 有關是次比賽詳情,可瀏覽賽事網站(、Facebook專頁(或參閱報名表格。

