1. All players must enter the club via main entrance only.

2. Every person must complete the Health Declaration Form, register via "LeaveHomeSafe" or registeration form, and take body temperature check prior entering the club.

3. Mask must be worn at all times within club premises, except while playing matches.

4. Guardian and spectator are only allowed to the club as below:

a. No accompanied player guests for Qualifying rounds except for players aged 18 or under who could be accompanied by ONE player guest.

b. Main Draw players could be accompanied by ONE player guest.

c. All Main Draw Semi-Finals players could be accompanied by maximum TWO player guests.

d. All Main Draw Finals players could be accompanied by maximum FOUR player guests.

5. Players and accompanies player guests should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to match time and to leave shortly after the end of the match.

6. Players must stay at the designated seating area while waiting. Player guests should stay within designated viewing areas.

7. Shower facilities will not be opened for players. Block C changing facilities will be available for players only.

8. Drinks and light snacks can be purchased at the kiosk by using pre-paid card only.

9. Foods and drinks can only be consumed at designated area (player waiting area).

10.According to the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Prohibition on Group Gathering) (Cap 599G) group gatherings in excess of the maximum number of people allowed in public places is prohibited.

11. The Chinese Recreation Club Hong Kong will maintain a high degree of vigilance and adopting all necessary precautionary measures, and will continue to closely monitor development of COVID-19 and strengthen relevant hygiene measures according to latest guideline issued by the government.

(If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.)

Route Map 1 - Direction to Players Seating Area: <Please Click here>

Route Map 2: Direction to Males Changing Room: <Please Click here>

Route Map 3: Direction to Females Changing Room: <Please Click here>


CRC OPEN 2021公共衛生及社交距離措施

1. 球員必須從會所正門進入。

2. 所有人士進入本會前,必須填寫健康申報表,量度體溫及使用「安心出行」或實體表格登記。

3. 於本會範圍內,除比賽外,必須佩戴口罩。

4. 因應政府限聚令,比賽球員及球員來賓限制進入本會人數,安排如下:

a. 所有18歲或以下外圍賽球員,可帶同1位來賓

b. 所有進入決賽週賽事球員:可帶同1位來賓

c. 所有進入決賽週準決賽球員:最多可帶同2位來賓

d. 所有進入決賽週決賽球員:最多可帶同4位來賓

5. 球員只可於比賽前15分鐘進入本會。為減低感染風險,球員於比賽完結後應盡快離開。

6. 球員須在指定等候區等候。球員來賓須在指定觀賽區等候。

7. 球員須使用本會C座更衣室,本會恕不提供淋浴設施

8. 球員可使用儲值咭於小賣部購買指定食物及飲品。

9. 球員只可於球員等候區進食。

10. 根據政府《預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集)規例》(第599G章) 不得在任何公眾地方進行多於限制令人數之羣組聚集。

11. 本會將密切留意疫情的發展,並與政府部門保持緊密聯繫,同時因應政府最新防疫措施作出適時跟進。


路線圖 1 - 前往球員等候區: <請按此>

路線圖 2 - 前往男更衣室: <請按此>

路線圖 3 - 前往女更衣室: <請按此>